Weekly column at the THE: Professor Geoffrey Alderman is reading Rosa’s The United Nations Human Rights Council: A Critique and Early Assessment. Geoffrey Alderman, Caroline Flurey, Richard Howells, Karen McAulay and John Shand… | Books | Times Higher Education.
Video: The Future of Human Rights | UK Human Rights Blog
From the UK Human Rights Blog: “On 21 May 2014, Hurst Publishers, Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP and the UK Human Rights Blog hosted a panel discussion on ‘The Future of Human Rights’ to mark the publication of Failing to Protect: the UN and the…
Failing to Protect: read the Prologue online at the IntLawGrrls blog

Read an excerpt from Rosa’s latest book
Failing to Protect: The UN and the Politicisation of Human Rights

Rosa Freedman’s latest book published May 2014.
Book launch and signing at the UN Library, Geneva

Book presentation and signing for Dr Freedman’s new book, The United Nations Human Rights Council – A Critique and Early Assessment